Ruth Paine House Museum

Ruth Paine House Museum

Ruth Paine House Museum: Irving, Texas

The Ruth Paine House Museum is a historic house museum in Irving, Texas.

The Ruth Paine House Museum is a historic house museum in Irving, Texas. The museum can help you find the educational museums that serve your needs. The Ruth Paine House Museum can provide all of your residential, commercial, or industrial needs in Irving, Dallas County, and beyond with ease.

The Ruth Paine House Museum is just one of the many things to see in Irving, Texas. Campion Trails is a trail located in Irving that takes you across three different bridges and through the city’s wildlife refuge area.

Mandalay Canal is the first artificial canal built on the bank of the Trinity River near downtown Dallas-Fort Worth in 1842 by William Jack and James Meacham Hogan. They were friends with Stephen F Austin (founder of Texas) and his wife, Mary Robertson Austin, and they had previously lived on her husband’s property. They cleared land for planting cotton and sugar cane crops and livestock pastures, which were also used to supply river traffic up to Fort Worth 10 years before it was incorporated into Dallas-Fort Worth. 

Las Colinas Flower Clock pays homage to nature at sunset every night from June 15th until September 30th each year, with 4 million water droplets pouring down its 8,300-foot long track illuminated by LED lights creating a fantastic scene over downtown Ft Worth. This event will occur from 6 pm until 9 pm on July 29th, 2019.

Centennial Park provides residents of Irving The Ruth Paine House Museum is a historic house museum in Irving, Texas. Stand Up Paddleboarding North Texas is closeby to the Ruth Paine House Museum. The National Scouting Museum and the Heritage House are also nearby attractions on Campion Trails near the Ruth Paine House Museum. More here about this location

The house was the residence of Ruth and Michael Paine from 1963 to 2003.

The house was the residence of Ruth and Michael Paine from 1963 to 2003. The museum is open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoons or by appointment.

The museum is open to the public from Tuesday through Friday

The museum opening hours are as follows:

Tuesday 10–11:30 AM, 2–3:30 PM

Wednesday 10–11:30 AM, 2–3:30 PM

Thursday 10–11:30 AM, 2–3:30 PM

Friday 10–11:30 AM, 2–3:30 PM

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

Monday Closed

Admission prices are as follows: Morning (1-10 visitors), $12 per person; Afternoon (1-10 visitors), $12 per person. The fee is collected at the door, and reservations are only open to self-selected visitor groups. Groups are limited to the number of individuals determined in advance. Visitor Groups are the only group allowed in during reserved time, and everyone over the age of 10 must wear a mask. There is a hand sanitizer station for visitors, and they’re encouraged to use it often. a fantastic read

The museum features exhibits about the Paines and their friends Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald.

The museum is located in the house where Ruth Paine lived at the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and where she hid the rifle used by Oswald. And the museum is located at 801 W Irving Blvd, Irving, TX 75060, United States.

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